Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Winter rant and finger prints

This will be my winter rant, hopefully not to be repeated again until next year, in hopefully a different and even more entertaining form.

The Pacific Northwest has a particularly dreary form of winter. The world is encased in a thousand shades of damp grey. At times it’s like your looking out the window at the ghost of the world, not quite the real thing. When the fog settles with an icy bite, it will feel like the world is collapsing in on you.

As if the grey and wet aren’t enough, let’s add a little light deprivation into the mix. Our days are short, really short. I get to work in the dark and go home in the dark. It’s like living on a vampire’s schedule, and we’re not talking a sexy hip vampire lifestyle! This is more the old grandma vampire lifestyle. We’re all cranky and likely to bite!

We’re more than a little desperate for some sun. Of course when it comes we will all be blinded by the light, just like mole people. It’s a wonder any of us can see at all moving between two extremes: sun all summer and no sun all winter. In the summer we have sunglasses, and this part of the country buys more of them than anywhere else. But, I’m thinking what we need are glasses that block out the gloom in the winter. Where are the really useful scientific breakthroughs when you need them?

Another thing that needs developing are finger print readers for computers. How lame is it that we are all trying to remember so damn many logins and passwords? What we need to be using are finger prints. We all have them, and it’s not like we’re going to forget them anywhere. You either have the right finger print or you don’t.

Question: I you your finger across the pad, will a finger print reader still read your fingerprint? Do you have to wait for it to heal? Will a new scar foil the system? Just asking!

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