Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Men, women and exceptions

My girly peeps and I were together the other night and we got to talking about men. I must admit this is a common subject for us. We usually talk about how we don’t understand them, or how we do, or how different they are from women. There are sub-sets of these conversations, like: grumpy old men, real hot men, what-were-we-thinking men, and so on.

That night we were discussing how different men are from women, and they really are. Years ago I watch a show where they took groups of people and ran them all through the same tests. There were clear differences between the sexes. For instance, men really are very good at navigating and women can multi-take like crazy. What was really interesting about this study is that even thought there were very clear skills that men general did much better than women, and that women did much better than men, every person was an exception to the rule in at least one area.

Think about it for a minute. Science has proven that we’re all exceptional. That’s pretty cool. It’s something our family and friends are always telling us, but we don’t really believe them. Now, science has proven it. Of course science may not mean it in the same way as family and friends.

During our conversation, Danna cited a saying she had hear, “Men are like waffles and women are like spaghetti.” I laughed. I’d never heard this and could not figure out any logic to this statement. Then she explained. Men are like waffle because they have little compartments for everything. They need to leave one compartment and go to another to deal with that issue. Women are like spaghetti because everything is mixed up and tangled with everything else. It’s so true, except for the exceptions. :-)

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