Monday, January 11, 2010

Middle aged?

I visited a blog site where an interesting question was posed, in essence it was about what do middle aged people want to be called. Hummmm. Very good question! Everyone seemed to agree that middle aged wasn’t quite getting it. Middle of what? Life? We are more the between age, like between birth and death, parenthood and grandparenthood, angst ridden and grumpy, clueless and know-it-all, taunt & perky and wrinkled & sagging. I’m not sure I’d like to be called between aged any better then middle aged. So, what’s the answer?

I’ve really been thinking about this, I think I might have come up with some better options, or at least different suggestions:

The Revered Ones: Who doesn’t want to be revered? Hey, we’ve put in the time and learned a lot. I figure later we could be called The Most Revered Ones. I think both levels should have to be addressed with our title, making me Revered Rhetta Drennan and later Most Revered Rhetta Drennan. There would be harsh penalties for failure to address us properly. The title would also come with extensive special privileges, like whacking idiots in the back of the head when they prove their status.

Interesting Individuals: Let’s face it young people just aren’t as interesting as they think they are. I mean what have they done? We on the other hand have lived long enough to do things, learn things and to have overcome things. We know more than what is between the covers of People magazine, and on Extra TV. Speak of between the covers, we know quite a bit more about that too.

And my favorite, the Spicy Set! I’m not sure this would apply equally to men and woman, since I don’t think men are as spicy in “middle age” as women. Women seem to really hit their stride at this time and gain a whole new level of appreciation for themselves and embrace their freedom. Where we used to hold our tongue for fear of saying the wrong thing, or hurting someone’s feelings, now we’re laying it all out there and daring everyone to deal with it. We’re finally free of kids, and in many cases husband, and we’re going out to do the things we want to do. We’re eating spicy food, drinking adult beverages on a week nights, and being loud and rowdy. At the same time we’re volunteering our time and skills, and nurturing our grandchildren. We ROCK!

Bottom line…. There are so many better descriptions than “middle aged.”

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