Monday, December 21, 2009

Tis the season

This past weekend my sister and I did our annual baking marathon. Three days of cakes, fudge, and assorted goodies we share with our friends, neighbors, co-workers and family. After all the cooking was completed we still had to package it all up and make out card to the more than 30 individuals, families and organizations on our list. It’s quite the job, but very rewarding in the end!

Some of this year’s highlights were the constant battle to keep the dog, kids and cat out from under our feet; a few burned fingers, the mystery of the non-rising cake, and the moment when Rusty (the dog) made off with a cake.

I happy to report that we now have dipping and swirling down to an art, and we’ve added a great new Bundt pan to our inventory of cooking tools. Also, our old hand-me-down antique table with six leaves is still indispensible for laying everything out, and working on. It has to be the best investment my great-great grandmother ever made!

The cutest item rendered from a kitchen this weekend did not come from my kitchen, it came from Jason and Emma’s. They made gingerbread men and women holding hands, to represent themselves. They were as cute and Jason and Emma are, which is to say, too cute for words!

Still on my list of things to do this season, is to get a tree in our park decorated. Me and few other neighbors will randomly choose a tree in our park and hang decorations. The idea is to do it when there are as few people as possible in the park, and to do it as quickly as possible. We want it to seem as if it has just appeared. We always have a great time with this. Last year there was almost two feet of snow on the ground so that was different.

As we all know, I am not a fan of interacting with snow on a personal level. I firmly believe that, as for as I am concerned, snow should be enjoyed through glass. However, many among us hold different views for themselves. All the kids and Matt, are on watch for snow, not that there is any inkling of it in the forecast. Matt has his snowmen already planned out and kids just want to play in it. Matt is planning to build a classic snowman, but with a depressed frown, holding a blow dryer to his head. Last year is was a snowman trying to out swim snow sharks.

As a new treat this winter, I have decided to start a snow sculpture contest for our neighborhood. Since snow is something we can never depend on, there is no way of knowing when the contest can be held. I kind of like that!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

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