Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pregnant soldiers and Prince William

Ok, today I read that the Army commander in northern Iraq has issued a no pregnancy order for all soldiers while in his theater of war. Apparently several female soldiers have become pregnant and they, along with the fathers who are also soldiers, have been issued letter of reprimand. Well, there is just all kinds of flak over this!

I personally think the order was pretty much a no-brainer. Getting pregnant in a war zone, when you have the ability to prevent it, should be regulation. I mean, can we say, “Duh!” For one thing I know for a fact that the military medical plan covers birth control. For another, how stupid are you to be having unprotected sex? (Which is just another whole rant I could go on.) I mean really, who goes to war and thinks getting pregnant is a good family plan? OK, obviously they aren’t thinking.

I’m not naive, I know when you put man and women together, in any way, some of them are going to invariably exercise bad judgment or a total lack of judgment, and end up in a physical relationship. But for Pete’s sakes don’t jump all over the one person who had enough presence of mind to anticipate the problem and try to put something in place to deal with it. If I were the one in charge, all the women would be put on mandatory birth control, and the men too, as soon as it becomes available.

And you just know the Muslim extremists are going to be all over this as an example of American immorality. This behavior just leads to worse treatment for woman soldiers who end up as prisoners of war! It also increases concern about the kind of protection women in the population can really expect from an male American soldier. This kind of blatant behavior should be treated in the same vain as putting a fellow soldier in danger.

I’m really disappointed that this commander is backing off of his policy because of pressure. At least he’s opened the door and hopefully the military will consider a real, and comprehensive policy to address this. Maybe they should hire mothers my age to act as chaperones and house mothers. LOL

Also in the realm of the stupid and bizarre, apparently Prince William spent the night out on the mean streets of London as a homeless person to better understand their plight. Not to take away from his wanting to do good, but really, who believes for a moment that his spending a night as a homeless person is anything like the real thing? It’s just ludicrous!

In the article they talked about how it was 24 degrees out, they had to sleep behind trash bins, and that they could have been roughed up by thugs. Oh please!!!!! The photo says it all. The alley looked like it had been scrubbed within an inch of its life, and they have a lot of bedding laying around for some supposedly homeless guys. And I wonder how many body guards were posted in the area? Homeless experience my tookus! As for the 24 degrees, he wears a kilt in Scotland for mercy’s sake, and he’s been military trained, I’m sure it wasn’t too tough to handle.

I love Prince William, but in this instance, I think his handlers have not done a very good job. He should have cleaned out REI and handed all the stuff out to the homeless, that would have been much more helpful to them.

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