OK, I’ve been thinking, yes it happens from time to time. Anyway, if this is the year the world ends we have really screwed up and missed a huge opportunity. Why, oh why, are we holding elections?
We could have done away will all the debates, political ads, party politics and extremist emails. No Obama said this, Romney said that, and the analyst’s take on it all. No more cares about the state of world banking, or what China is doing. Pack up all the troops, all over the world, and bring them home to their families. No more talk about budgets or taxes. Put it all away because it’s not going to matter anyway.
So basically if the world is ending, what are all these newly elected people going to do? Why are we fighting over the national healthcare program, or the immigration policy, or who says what about whom?
Instead, we could take all the money being given to super pacs and have a great party! Let’s just chill, make a few margaritas, fill the wading pool, listen to the birds sing, and enjoy the sunsets. In the end, (pun intended) even if the world doesn’t cease to exist, this is probably the tack to take anyway. We’d all be a lot more happy.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Driving improvments?
I hardly ever pay any attention to TV ads, especially car ads, or sports ads, or reality show ads, or ads for wrestling. Basically I just tune it all out or fast forward on my tvo. (How much do you love tvo!!!)
For whatever reason, I happen to catch a little piece of the description for some new and improved car. It seems that if there are adverse road conditions ahead you will receive a vibration from the driver’s seat.
Well, as you can imagine this sent my imagination off into some funny and strange areas. Remember that movie Crash where everyone was getting into car crashed because they found them sexually stimulating? It now seems your car can give you a little extra boost in that directions. Kinky!
After more than a century of developing and improving driving instruments to make driving safer, we’re right back were we started, driving by the seat of our pants. Really, did no one on the design team ever think of this? LOL
For whatever reason, I happen to catch a little piece of the description for some new and improved car. It seems that if there are adverse road conditions ahead you will receive a vibration from the driver’s seat.
Well, as you can imagine this sent my imagination off into some funny and strange areas. Remember that movie Crash where everyone was getting into car crashed because they found them sexually stimulating? It now seems your car can give you a little extra boost in that directions. Kinky!
After more than a century of developing and improving driving instruments to make driving safer, we’re right back were we started, driving by the seat of our pants. Really, did no one on the design team ever think of this? LOL
Where are we headed?
I’ve been noticing some strange things in the news lately. OK, I know there are always strange things in the news, that’s what makes a lot of them news. It jsut makes me shake my head and wonder where we're headed.
Some of this stuff is what you’d have expected to see in the Dark Ages where science was the enemy of the righteous man. You know the kind of thing – the sun can’t be the center of the solar system because the Church says the earth is. Or we can look a little closer in history where, regardless of selected breeding in our farm animals to improve breeds, evolution can’t be real because God created us in his image. You know little gems like that.
Jump a few centuries or decades ahead and now science is under attack not because its conclusions are wrong, immoral, or blasphemous, but because they’re incontinent. Recently North Carolina has made it illegal to report on or make accurate projections on rising sea levels that will impact their coasts. This was quickly followed by Virginia demanding terms such as “climate change” and “global warming” be removed from a bill before voting. Then this morning I hear that a federal court has struck down EPA rules that limit cross state pollution.
So in North Carolina the legislature was apparently under the pressure from developers who want to develop coastal properties and sell them without future owners having any chance of knowing their properties could be under water in the near future. In Virginia, republican lawmakers are pushing their party’s stance that global warming does not exist. And, in the federal case polluters don’t want to be responsible for what happens to the toxins they spill into other states.
It’s all really about greed. Rather than do the right thing and building a better future for everyone, it gets down to me, me, me, me. And, now, now, now, now. When did we stop being innovative, forward looking, and driven to be the best? Just exactly when did this happen to American? When did we become smaller, blind, and without sympathy for our fellow man? When did we become so individually self-centered?
More importantly how do we get our big ideas, and change the future attitude back? How do we move back to a place where “he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother” is the aspiration of all? Where we leave a better world for our children and not just a bigger bank account? Where we inspire our children, and each other, to dream in big and without self centered blinders on?
I’m just wondering, and hoping we haven’t let the sun go down on the great experiment that is the United States.
Some of this stuff is what you’d have expected to see in the Dark Ages where science was the enemy of the righteous man. You know the kind of thing – the sun can’t be the center of the solar system because the Church says the earth is. Or we can look a little closer in history where, regardless of selected breeding in our farm animals to improve breeds, evolution can’t be real because God created us in his image. You know little gems like that.
Jump a few centuries or decades ahead and now science is under attack not because its conclusions are wrong, immoral, or blasphemous, but because they’re incontinent. Recently North Carolina has made it illegal to report on or make accurate projections on rising sea levels that will impact their coasts. This was quickly followed by Virginia demanding terms such as “climate change” and “global warming” be removed from a bill before voting. Then this morning I hear that a federal court has struck down EPA rules that limit cross state pollution.
So in North Carolina the legislature was apparently under the pressure from developers who want to develop coastal properties and sell them without future owners having any chance of knowing their properties could be under water in the near future. In Virginia, republican lawmakers are pushing their party’s stance that global warming does not exist. And, in the federal case polluters don’t want to be responsible for what happens to the toxins they spill into other states.
It’s all really about greed. Rather than do the right thing and building a better future for everyone, it gets down to me, me, me, me. And, now, now, now, now. When did we stop being innovative, forward looking, and driven to be the best? Just exactly when did this happen to American? When did we become smaller, blind, and without sympathy for our fellow man? When did we become so individually self-centered?
More importantly how do we get our big ideas, and change the future attitude back? How do we move back to a place where “he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother” is the aspiration of all? Where we leave a better world for our children and not just a bigger bank account? Where we inspire our children, and each other, to dream in big and without self centered blinders on?
I’m just wondering, and hoping we haven’t let the sun go down on the great experiment that is the United States.
Monday, June 25, 2012
2012 and the End of the World
OK, I’ve been thinking, yes it happens from time to time. Anyway, if this is the year the world ends we have really screwed up and missed a huge opportunity. Why, oh why, are we holding elections?
We could have done away will all the debates, political ads, party politics and extremist emails. No Obama said this, Romney said that, and the analyst’s take on it is this. No more cares about the state of world banking, or what China is doing. Pack up all the troops, all over the world, and bring them home to their families. No more talk about budgets or taxes. Put it all away because it’s not going to matter anyway.
So basically if the world is ending, what are all these newly elected people going to do? Why are we fighting over the national healthcare program, or the immigration policy, or who says what about whom?
Instead, we could have take all the money being given to the super pacs and have a great party! Or, let’s just chill, make a few margaritas, fill the wading pool, listen to the birds sing, and enjoy the sunsets. In the end (pun intended) even if the world doesn’t end, this is probably the tack to take anyway. We’d all be a lot more happy.
OK, I’ve been thinking, yes it happens from time to time. Anyway, if this is the year the world ends we have really screwed up and missed a huge opportunity. Why, oh why, are we holding elections?
We could have done away will all the debates, political ads, party politics and extremist emails. No Obama said this, Romney said that, and the analyst’s take on it is this. No more cares about the state of world banking, or what China is doing. Pack up all the troops, all over the world, and bring them home to their families. No more talk about budgets or taxes. Put it all away because it’s not going to matter anyway.
So basically if the world is ending, what are all these newly elected people going to do? Why are we fighting over the national healthcare program, or the immigration policy, or who says what about whom?
Instead, we could have take all the money being given to the super pacs and have a great party! Or, let’s just chill, make a few margaritas, fill the wading pool, listen to the birds sing, and enjoy the sunsets. In the end (pun intended) even if the world doesn’t end, this is probably the tack to take anyway. We’d all be a lot more happy.
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